Been a bit absent from the blog in April because I was working on a set of wedding invites. I have enclosed a few photos here, sorry about the non subtle removal of the personal info! My friends wanted a disney-style theme in cream and purple.
This is a purple glitter cardstock that doesn't shed. It looks amazing! Luckily it was a good match to the ribbon I had already purchased. The castle is a free silhouette file I found online and converted it into a cutting file to use on the Eclips cutting machine. I have made that process sound super easy but infact.... it was a bit of a mare! However finally I swapped to a different card/paper and it cut out great! Wish I had thought of that a week before!
So the topper is layered onto the cardstock using 3D foam, so the cut-outs show the glitter card stock underneath. For the finished invites I cut the ribbon shorter after I tied the bow. You can pull the bow to open the card, it's threaded underneath the topper and round the back of the invite. I wanted to make it part of the design, not just something to hold the invite together.
The fonts I have used in the invite are Monterey BT, Waltograph and AL Cinderella.
I downloaded the "Happily Ever After" from a freebie download site. I have hunted around incase it belongs to anyone but so far I have not found it, so hoping it was a genuine freebie!

I also managed to make a cutting and scoring file to make the invite folders and then stuck them together to make the pocket containing all the invite info. There were 2 versions of the invite.
I am so pleased I had to use my Eclips to make these. Although it was hard work figuring out how to overcome the problems & make it do exactly what I wanted it has MADE ME use it, figure it out & keep it plugged in!
This shows the three items included in the folder of the invite. The gift poem was a combination of several that are freely available online. We were also able to include a reference and phone number so people could directly give towards the couples honeymoon, a great idea!
We managed to make the wedding menu flexible enough so you could mark down what a family of five might be choosing to eat at the meal, well I hope we did - It was hard to leave lots of space for initials!
So yep, that's it! Can post these pics now the invites have all been sent out and the Bride, Groom and their families were happy with them! I have some more stuff to make for the same wedding but not until later in the year :)