Sunday, June 03, 2018


Quick post of a commission card I have recently made for a fan of Marina and the Diamonds.

It wasn't a complicated card, what took the time was researching enough about Marina that I could cater for the tastes of a fan! Consequently I listened to a lot of her music and her videos so I could get cool ideas for the badges. The customer also wanted a bit more input on the card than usual, so I did quite a few designs for badges and let her pick the five she liked best.

Most of the badges refer to songs, lyrics or albums. Very luckily it was for a 17th birthday and Marina has a song about being seventeen! lol. I used my Super Badge It Machine to make the badges. I made the badge designs and background on the computer and then printed them out to use.

It was quite nice to be introduced to some new music, actually really enjoyed her videos and am tempted to buy the  "Froot" album now :)

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